Saturday, July 14, 2007

Photoessay #58 - Love on the street

Young Jim and Lanaya. I though this was at the Pike Place Market, but it could have been on any Seattle city street, likely California Ave maybe near the Junction (does anybody use that term any more?). They're so young, with schoolbooks. They got married shortly after high school so this must be during their high school years. The confidence and the vibrant tension jumps out of this picture. So in love and focused on each other. The world is theirs, it's only for them to claim together.

Who took this picture? A friend who was with them? A community member? Makes more sense if they are in their home turf of West Seattle. Where are they going? Does it matter?

Both tall, healthy and good-looking. Spring in their steps, they are moving forward. Neither came from wealthy families but they look well dressed.

They spent the rest of their lives together in a tight marriage. Jim passed away 18 months ago. Lanaya is completely debilitated by dementia in a nursing home. After Jim's death, the family (my husband Dennis, his sister Victoria, two of our college age daughters (Ilana and Susanna) and myself) were at the funeral home designing the headstones. We settled on the verbiage "Devoted Husband" and "Devoted Wife". Victoria said "That was what it was always about anyway, the two of them" We all agreed.

Dennis just left to visit Lanaya at the nursing home. She has been there without much conscious movement for 5 years. People ask if she can recognize us, I say that she is unable to acknowledge us, she is unable to make eye contact. It's hard to imagine that life would worth living for her. The hospice people suggested to Dennis that he talk to her about 'wanting to join Jim'. He has.


Oreo said...

great olf photo. another era - they really do look on top of their world!

Mary Ann said...

touching photo,so full of life like you say, and then I remember Lanaya as she became.