Friday, July 13, 2007

Photoessay #57 - Celebrating Duck fans in Hawaii

Duck fans gathering for a celebratory picture after the U Oregon softball's victory in the Pepsi Malihini Kipa Aloha tournament held at the University of Hawai'i Manoa this past March. Lots of smiling for the fans of victorious team. Uncle Alan was waiting for us downstairs and somehow wasn't included.

I'm second from the left in the front row holding up the banner, my brother is to just to the right and my husband is on the very left. The rest of the folks are family members who were thrilled to have the excuse to make the trip to Oahu. Except Dave A, he's the guy in yellow in the back row. A local Duck fan from Honolulu, he made sure that we were always welcome. He came to all of the games and always brought us treats, special doughnuts, spam musubis, soda and beer. Really enjoyed meeting him and appreciated his hospitality.

Spam Musubi? A fried slice of spam on rice pressed together to form a small block, then wrapped with a strip of seaweed. According to Dave, it's a treat throughout the islands. The preferred snack for sports teams at the end of the game. We were skeptical but Dave brought some for us to taste and they were pretty good :)

Nice and warm for the first week of March? That crazy Hawaiian weather, steady temperature in the high 70s, low 80s, warm fragrant air, love it.

This was UO's toughest preseason tournament and the wins (for the then unranked Ducks0 against ranked U Hawaii and U Georgia (twice) were significant. Susanna hit her only home run of the season off the scoreboard in right field. However, this was the weekend when our #1 pitcher became ill with an intestinal ailment which plagued her the rest of the season (she was hospitalized for many days TWICE). The coach released our #3 pitcher also during this tournament and that left UO very strapped for pitching. Melissa came through over and over but it was extremely difficult pitching without backup.

May we always have such fun, happy relaxed times. Glad my brother was there with us.

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