Thursday, July 12, 2007

Photoessay #56 - Players from Japan

Last weekend, I returned to Canada Cup for the day with my friend Mary Ann. By popular demand (well not that popular) I will post some pictures and entries from that trip.

We saw parts of three games while there, all part of the International Women's tournament.
Team Japan eliminated Australia
Canada eliminated Japan Denso
USA defeated Japan Elite in a winner's bracket game

Each game we saw included a team from Japan. Later that evening, Japan eliminated Canada. On Sunday, Japan eliminated Japan Elite and lost to USA in the title game.

Team Japan is the current Olympic team. Japan Elite is their #2 team, the rumor was that many of the former #1 players are on the #2 team and that Japan Elite was every bit as strong as Team Japan. The first game I saw last weekend was a narrow tight game between Japan Elite and USA. USA barely won that game 1-0 by a hit batter with the bases loaded.

Japan Denso is a club team. Apparently Denso is a company and the members of that team work part of the day at their job and part of the day practicing softball. Possibly the players are a little older and they all have the same haircut.

There are usually some USA 'club' teams that come up to complete the Women's tournaments. However, they are usually ad hoc groups of college players who are recruited to come up and play for the tournament. Last year and three years ago, my daughter played for the Washington Blast. This year's edition of the Washington Blast went 2-4 with a very close game against Chinese Taipei.

The picture above shows Japan Denso after their loss to Canada. After each Japanese team plays, they line up in the center of the field and bow in respect. They also bow when they are each introduced. It's the custom. All of the Japanese teams do it. I've always enjoyed watching Japan Denso, they play with a lot of spirit and energy. Also, the Japanese players make a lot more noise than their American counterparts. Constant chattering and chanting with single pitch and play. I remember a catcher from Japan Denso who loudly talked in every single pitch.

Yukiko Ueno, the top pitcher from Team Japan, was there but did not pitch much. I first saw her three years ago at Canada Cup. I have never ever seen a pitcher throw so fast and hard. The ball just exploded into the catcher's mitt. Whooooaaa!!!! She later was a major pitcher in the Olympics.

The picture below shows Japan Elite right before they started their game with USA which they lost 12-0.

The closing picture is Team Australia waving farewell to the crowd after their elimination loss. They got a huge round of applause. I was surprised at their performance, they had a number of their top players, Stacey Porter, Joecelyn McCallum but also quite a few new ones. They did not play with the ferocity and intensity that I generally associate with that team.

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