Thursday, June 2, 2022

Birthday Brunch


On Memorial Day, we had a birthday brunch at Naomi's house.  Generally we get together for everybody's birthday.  But scheduling this group is really hard.  Plus COVID and Megan's pregnancy.  We have missed a lot of birthdays.

Left to right: My son Danny, my daughter in law Jessica, me, my daughter in law Megan, my daughter Suzie and my daughter and hostess Naomi.

Birthdays separated were me (70!), Danny (40!), Jessica, and Megan.  Plus I forgot that we had never done Suzie's.  We might have a Father's Day barbecue at Suzies.  Fortunately for me, Suzie and Megan and Naomi live within a mile from me and Danny and Jessica don't live too far away.

Missing my daughter Ilana, my son in law Matt and grandson Frankie who live in Indiana.

1 comment:

Matt Asay said...

Also missing is that Dennis guy…