Sunday, June 5, 2022

Rio Americano High School Reunion

 Dennis and I went to our 50/52 reunion last night in Sacramento.  Our 50th reunion was really in 2020 but you know about that year.  It was put off and put off but we finally had it.  The slogan was "Class of 70 turns 70"

I had heard that the 50th anniversary reunion was more about warmth and feelings.  I did prepare a little cheat sheet with some family pictures.  But on reflection, I realize that nobody else did.  So think I was out of synch.  I saw a lot of people, women mostly, who greeted me warmly.  Maybe they remembered me and maybe not.  And maybe I remembered them or not.  It did not seem to matter.  We greeted each other warmly, just so glad to SEE you.  Many positive conversations, very warm event.  It was held all outside in a beautiful backyard.  The weather was cool and cloudy, not really characteristic of Sacramento in June.

My friend Robert Schwartz (in black shirt seated kind of the right).  I remember he didn't think he would relate to people there, maybe he would just talk to me.  Nope, he connected with so many people there.  Every time I looked around he was having another great conversation.  Dennis was standing in the back a little bit to the right of me.,

The group picture, the reality was that I attended a segregated school.

The picture was taken by Joan Cusick, a professional photographer.  Not sure if I have permission to feature it on my blog.

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