Friday, June 26, 2020

Our anniversary dinner

44 years does show its wear no question.  And we have not really mastered selfies.  But we did go to a favorite restaurant Anthony's at Edmonds Marina last Monday evening.  Had their fixed price Sunset Dinner they offer early on weekday evenings.  We went right when they opened and got a waterfront place on their deck.  With our masks, wipes and hand sanitized.  You can see the water behind us.  Our table is right behind us.  We figured this was the safest way in these Covid times.


Matt Asay said...

I don't see no masks!!

azure said...

I know! Dennis said even before we read your comment that we should have posed with our masks on! You called it! Dennis just said to me "I called it, too" We do have masks on the table behind us. But I am collecting quite a few because we're going to on this train for awhile.