Saturday, June 20, 2020

44 Years!

Today is our 44th wedding anniversary.  This picture popped up on Facebook so I had to use it.  June 20, 1976.  Dennis and I in the middle, we're getting married.  I had my sister Pam as my maid of honor and Dennis had our friend Matt as best man.  He still reads my blog so I'm sure he will see it.

This was before the wedding-industrial complex so you could do things pretty simple.  I'm been involved with that racket and its expectations with my children's weddings (we did 3 weddings in 4 years.)  But we look pretty nice.  For some reason I didn't want to wear a white dress.  Just to be ornery, I didn't have any good reason.  We still were in the era where his mother picked out his clothes (she did a good job too).  Matt looks good, they look coordinated.  I'm wearing the wedding lace as a bertha there.  Pam had it on her dress.  Ilana had it on the back of her dress and Megan used it to wrap her bouquet.  We were married in the living room of his parents' house and then had a reception later in the afternoon in a beautiful space in a condo development.  We were 23 and 24 and we didn't think we were young at all.  We were all thinner then, more hair too.

Grandfather Beittel married us.  I liked him and admired him.  It was only later that we found out about his role in the civil rights movement.  That's been a source of pride for both of us.

1 comment:

Matt Asay said...

Three nice looking kids and that damned hippie! Were we ever really that young?