Thursday, January 30, 2020

Danny, a new citizen


Danny is naturalized and becomes an American Citizen.

Mainly I put up this picture so Naomi could see Danny's sweater that my mother made for him to commemorate the occasion.  Too bad we can't see all of it but you get the idea.

At that time, citizenship didn't loom as huge as it does now.  It was part of the adoption process, another task.  Adoption did not confer citizenship.  We were told that if we didn't do this, he might be liable for a draft into the Korean military forces.

But it seemed the right thing to do.  In those days, there was no 'citizenship' process, you had to go through Naturalization with all of the interviews.  It took kind of a long time but it was not fraught like it is today.  We sent in all of the papers and more and more and finally ended up a in an overheated courtroom at lunchtime.  Not the best for a toddler wearing the sweater his grandmother made for him.  There we were all dressed up.  I loved the colors in that dress but I don't know what happened to it.  We were all thinner and had more hair ....

Both Danny and Susanna, as adults, hold their own naturalization papers.  I tell them to keep very close touch with them.  Never tell anybody you were not born in the US.  ICE can throw you in jail with no provocation.

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