Saturday, January 18, 2020

Cantor Victor

Cantor Victor is the Hazzan or Cantor  of the Reform Jewish congregation to which we belong.  He has become our favorite.  Just from watching and participating with him.  He is Argentine so everything has a little latin lilt.  A tremendous voice and a huge knowledge of music.  Plus he's such a presence in the service.  Last week Dennis said how impressed he was about how he did the handoffs and keeps everything going.  Later last weekend we got a notice that Cantor Victor was leaving.   Waaaah!  Why?  Where is he going?

Dennis and I were there this morning for his mother's yarzeit.  Also two young women for their b'nei mitzvahs.  Beth Am has always been known for their music, they had their choir and other musicians there.  And Cantor Victor.  I asked around to people who might know.  What was the deal?  Either they didn't know or they weren't talking.  I don't have strong enough relationships to suss this out.

So I still don't know.  I guess it will come out eventually.  Add what does it really matter?  He will not be there when I go to Temple whether he's going to another organization or another city.  We will miss him.  But wish him well.

He was also teaching a small class about Kabbelah which only met once/month.  Don't know what will happen with that.  Kabbalah Kaput saw Dennis.

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