Monday, July 22, 2019

My Coleus basket

Over two months ago, I bought this Coleus basket at Costco.  I just knew it would do well near my front door.  I've had begonia baskets (they love shade too) there but I didn't see any and Danny didn't give me one.  This one originally had more reedy stringy kind of plants (they were pretty too) but they seem to be gone.  But the coleus (as I predicted) went nuts.  It's very showy.  I wondered if I should pinch it back ( like we did back in the day).  I tried it in the middle left but it didn't seem to matter.  Wonder if I can winter this.  I've never been successful with begonias.

Oh, and Danny gave me a very nice sunny basket.  It's in the back and Dennis is in charge of watering it.  It's doing great too!

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