Saturday, December 15, 2018

Truth to power?

So, do you think that Michael Cohen is speaking truth to power?  As he claims?  Just a little?   In some ways, I find him believable and maybe sympathetic.  He's turned on his evil boss.  And, as he speaks and testifies, he take full responsibility for his action.  He does not blame anybody else or make excuses.  However he has acted like a slimeball for years as Trump's lawyer sometimes intimidating and threatening people.  Would he have done this if the feds hadn't gotten him first?  Unlikely, but it was a big deal to flip him.  These guys hate it when their families get dragged into it.  But likely they would be the first to do it themselves.

CNN's Brian Stelter wrote in his newsletter:

That's the thing about Trump's tweets, interviews, speeches, etc. He keeps proving that he can't be trusted. He has devalued his own words and, by extension, the people who speak on his behalf. Journalists are still trying to figure out how to adapt.

Does anybody believe him any more?  Maybe his 'base.'  Remember the 2020 election starts now.  Why would anybody want to interview him when, as Brian Stelter says, he has devalued is own word but demonstrating that he says things that are contrary to accepted facts; "without evidence" is what they say now.  Or directly contradicts previous comments.  I can believe that his speaking his own reality without evidence does devalue his own word.

I often check Fox News to see what 'the other side' is saying.  This is the main source of news for Trump voters.  Tonight they had some democrat saying that the move to the left "is a sign of the Apocalypse"  Really?

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