Sunday, December 25, 2016

Hanukah and Chinese food

I didn't even know Susanna took this picture last night.  You can see that I'm concentrating on my task: lighting the first candle on the hanukah menorah.  Hanukah starts on Christmas Eve this year.  This year. I've been really really happy with nothing going on.  It's mid afternoon on Christmas day and I will have to make a big salad pretty soon to bring over to Susanna's.  Danny and Jessica were with us last night at the restaurant, literally on their way to the airport for a short Florida trip.  In recent years, we've been going to a neighborhood chinese restaurant on Christmas Eve.  It might be a Jewish thing to do, I don't know.  One year recently, I thought, why don't I cook something at home.  Bad idea.  Because it turned out to be a big Holiday Dinner and then the same 10 people went away and came back the next morning for Christmas breakfast.  This is nuts, I thought, no way I'm doing this again.  Back to the chinese restaurant.  So I brought my menorah and asked if I could light the candles there.  They looked confused but the people at the next table said it was fine with them, I think they were Jewish.  And then this other lady came over and asked if she could say the prayers with me and add her own family prayer.  So we did that.  Somehow it all worked. out.  I did notice that our four adult children (and in laws) were eager for the Hanukah Gelt.

Naomi, in Mokpo Korea, picked up on things right away.  On Facebook, she wrote, Dad is wearing a Seahawks football jersey???  Danny had given it to him recently.  And, yes, they let me light the candles right there.  Funny.

We're looking good, Dennis is looking happy with it.....Working on my project this afternoon.  Just where was the Armory Hall in 1899???????

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