Sunday, May 22, 2016

Our Little Sister

Dennis and I saw this movie (our first for SIFF this year) early Friday evening.  Delightful and sweet.  Japanese movie about 4 Japanese sisters.  I think it's supposed to hit theatrical release, if so, go see it.  There are some tough issues raised, especially regarding abandonment by parents and other family members.  But these sisters show resilience and maybe an unrealistic intention to stay together.  The three older sisters are in their twenties.  They go to their father's funeral, who had abandoned them long before and meet a young teenage half sister who really doesn't have a place to go except from an unattached step mother.  The sister ask their younger sister to come live with them and be part of their household.  Very sweet characters and acting.  This movie does not pass the Bechdel test for men.  Love it!

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