Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Crown from below

My question about the group picture I posted yesterday.  Do we look like out parents did.  Our parents were quite a bit younger than we are when we showed up at Crown College in 1970.  Who can think, when you're 18 and just bursting into life being part of this creative exciting endavor, how we would all look like in 45 years.  Interesting, my college boyfriend is in the picture, but I'm not saying who, though many can pick him out.  One thing about Steve W, he was pretty hard to miss.

This next shot I snapped with my phone after the reception at the Crown Provost's house.  Looking up at  Crown College. The two min landscape components at UCSC are the thick redwood forest and the rolling hills overlooking Monterey Bay.  Crown sits in between, some redwoods in the shot, looking towards the forest.  But the light, we just don't have the light and the colors here.

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