Sunday, July 13, 2014

At the photobooth

Dennis and I at the 'photobooth' at Jackie's wedding yesterday.  You don't need a fancy commercial one.  This was a table with some silly props and Jackie's camera on a tripod overlooking the Sound.  It works!

Naomi and Dennis making great progress getting everything packed and ready to go.  They leave for Arizona early Wednesday.  That's the plan anyway.

We're having a party today.  Naomi's Going Away party and Teacher Shower.  She invited 12 people who said they're coming.  We have a bunch of food so I hope they come!  I started going on the fruit and have local rainier cherries, local raspberries, local cantalope and nectarines.  Main dish?  better than average hot dogs from Costco.  One friend reminded her that the start of the party is the same time as the World Cup Final.  Oh.

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