Saturday, September 7, 2013

Photoessay #2432 - Vantage

One source of subject matter can always be found by stealing your children's facebook pictures.

Naomi will be leaving, gosh, day after tomorrow, to Macau.  We did go to Costco last night and bought the world's largest suitcase.  But it was just too big; she wasn't really close to filling it and it was already overweight.  So they brought it back and, this time, they bought the second largest suitcase.  Hopefully this will work better.

She dug out her old camera that she's not used very much.  I'm hoping that she will take a lot pictures.  She'll be gone 10 weeks.  Mostly working in a school in Macau.  Also some time spent in Hong Kong and also a bit in China.  Five days in Japan on her way back.  Very well supported trip run by the CWU education department.

She put up the pictues that were on her camera once she unearthed it.  I decided I liked this one the best.  Overlooking the I 90 bridge over the Columbia River at Vantage.  To my recently visited relatives, you can see the difference in landscape from western Washington.  From here, you go across the Cascades, yes you end up in Ellensburg, home of CWU.  Another hour and you're here at the Columbia.  The road in the foreground is the highway that goes for many miles towards Colfax, which is bit woodsy then up the road to Pullman, home of Washington State U firmly in the rolling hills of the Palouse, wheat country.

Many landscapes in this state.....

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