Sunday, September 1, 2013

Photoessay #2426 - Letterboxing lunch

Also this is the first picture that Dennis has taken with his new tablet.  Came out pretty good!

Laura's got her mouth open but that's a separate issue.

Yesterday, with Melina finally back in town, we decided to do some straight letterboxing.  Melina wanted us to be close to her house so she could show her mom.  We picked up our friend Laura and she went with us to most of the places.

This picture was after the first few; we stopped for a picnic lunch near the Redmond pool.  Laura's looking at the list of possible boxes I'd identified.

Almost a world record; we found 7/7 boxes that we looked for including

  • One near the Redmond Armory which is right in the middle of a suburban neighborhood, turn the corner and you are in a different world.
  • two near the water towers across from the high school
  • one right next to the pea patch in Juel Park.  We all agreed that sitting underneath the apple tree at a picnic table next to the gardens on a warm late summer afternoon was pretty nice indeed
  • One in the woods placed by a girl scout troop.  Melina really wanted Teddy to be with us.
  • One in back of Soul Foods; it was a real alternative hangout back there
  • One at Blazing Bagels;  The directions assured us the staff knew all about it.  However the person I asked was the owner and he had NO IDEA what I was talking about.  Much drama and fussing.  Turned out to be right there.  Hmmm I thought, that's probably the end of THAT letterbox.
So a good time was had by all.  We bought a bunch of really good bagels which I brought to the picnic today at Harstene.

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