Sunday, May 12, 2013

Photoessay #2875 - Wind and flowers

Today, Dennis and I went to Ellensburg to visit Naomi and the very lazy/barely there family weekend. 

We went to tour the Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility about 20 miles outside of Ellensburg.  Fabulous!  Do it!  Especially in May when the wildflowers are in bloom.  We had a great private free tour.  I knew those suckers were big but just didn't quite get the scale.  The little box behind the blade?  It's the size of a school bus.  The blades, more than a third of a football field long.  Huge!  Towers ten stories high?

My brother would have loved it.  Apparently this month, the wildflowers are in bloom.  They told us they had special wildflower hikes yesterday.  Definitely worth a trip to come when the wildflowers are blooming.

This picture showed the three things I was trying to get into a shot; some wildflowers, some windmills and a territorial view.  Yes, the wind was blowing pretty stiff up there.  Lots of blades whirring around.

We also went to the Mother's Day Brunch and then snuck into the Chimposium on a waiting list.  Interesting but they just didn't make their case for continuing.

Happy Mother's Day!!

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