Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Photoessay #2846 - Talented yhoung professor

Just getting ready to go down to UW for first day of my class.  The Holocaust taught by Prof. Devin Naar.  Heard hims speak at the JewDub talks last fall.  I've very interested to get an academic view of this massive event from a young professor.  Younger than some of my kids.  We'll see how the disability thing goes.  This is an inaccessible  building and the university is not allowed to update the building because of historical status.  I can make it up the stairs just fine.  It's my old lady roller bag.  I had talked to the professor and he thought one of his TAs could carry it up the stairs.

The class went very well.  Wonderful speaker.  Lot of older people in the class.  I might have to find my way to Fisheries (which is the section with the most room).  Nobody wants to go to the Fisheries building especially with my old lady roller bag.  I think I might have to use the disability bus.

He put up a poem up by Dan Pagis from a book of Hebrew poems "Gilgul" 1970

written in pencil in the sealed railway car

here in this transport
i eve
with abel my son
if you see my older son\
cain son of adam
tell him that i

It took me a while to recognize that eve meant the partner of adam.  how does the poem end?

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