Sunday, April 21, 2013

Photoessay #2855 - Busy

Here we are this morning.  Pam, Dennis, Ilana, Matt and me (except I'm taking the picture) being very busy for quite awhile this morning.  What do you think we are doing?

Recreation project suggested by mom?

We're polishing Ilana's silver!  Which needed it badly.  So I bought some silver cleaning stuff and we were off to the races.

One of Ilana's biggest silver centers is a silver plate coffee and tea service which my grandmother (her great grandmother) bought for her 25th wedding anniversary.  Her sisters all had one so she must also have one for her party.  However she made it clear that my mother was not to be invited because she was merely pinned but NOT engaged to my father.

That brings out a bronx cheer of disapproval even now so many years later.  So nobody wanted the silver service so Ilana took it.

We all polished for quite some time.

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