Saturday, April 20, 2013

Photoessay #2854 - Wolf Park

I didn't think it would happen but this evening, Dennis and I went with my sister to howl with the wolves.  Actually an evening program at a non-profit wolf research facility.  My sister had tickets and even though it was oh so cold yesterday, the weather was improving though there was water everywhere,in a lot of places where water was not supposed to be.

For awhile, it seemed that all the roads were flooded but conditions improved.  We sat on bleachers and there was a small wolf pack just on the other side of the fence.  Family group mom, dad, uncle and two bratty year old brothers who mostly wrestled.  Wolves.  We learned about how they are socialized and three staff people went into the enclosure and hung out with the wolves.  The wolves greeted the people not unlike Teddy.  We saw some dominance as the mom and dad wolves ran of the bratty brothers  because they wanted to people to themselves.

The brothers mostly wrestled like they do.  They're a little over a year.

Earlier we went to historical society and the small art museum and hung around with Matt and Ilana.

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