Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Photoessay #2850 - Gardening

I realized today why I'm unable to garden.  I already knew it was a combination of my inability to organize spatially plus my mobility difficulties.

But I put it into perspective today when I was at the doctor.  I realized that the benefits and pleasure that people put into gardening must outweigh the costs and pain.  That's why people do it.  Because they like it!  It gives them pleasure to do it.

Oh, now I get it.  Even 30 years ago, I couldn't do gardening tasks for more than 15 minutes.  Then, I was just done.  I beat myself up that I was lazy, etc.  I like seeing gardens, I like knowing about plants and flowers.  I just could never do it.  Because, physically I quit after 15 minutes because I was so darn uncomfortable.  Even a long time ago.  The inspiration and enthusiasm could not carry me through.  I would vow to work longer next time.  But I never would.

My mobility is worse now.  I can't do it at all.  Here's hoping that the family who was doing my gardening towards the end of last summer will return my call and come.

Pretty picture used without permission from an anxiety support group.

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