Monday, April 15, 2013

Photoessay #2849 - Maybe Ai Ai

Naomi bought her ticket to Macau for next September.  Actually it's much cheaper to go from Hong Kong rather than Macao.  And they SAY that it's not that hard to get to Hong Kong to Macao.  Naomi really wants to tack on a trip to Japan, especially to Yamagata City at the end.  She's been in touch with Natsuko and, though plans are not really set, she and her friend Jackie bought tickets so they have 4-5 days in Japan for not much extra cost.

Naomi is particularly interested in Ai Ai, the center for autistic children adults in Yamagata City.  Nobuko is the director there.  It's very difficult to find out information about Japanese sites on the web.  Generally, those in Japan are not much motivated to publicize their affairs on websites easily accessible in English.  Here, if there's a substantial institution, we expect that it will have a website for us to gain basic specific information.

Not so in Japan.  Maybe 3 years ago, I might have a website for Ai Ai.  Can't find anything now.  Naomi's seen my pictures of Ai Ai and she really would like to observe.

The structure for the visit exists if not the extremely important details.

Ai Ai's building shown in a shot I took in 2010 in Yamagata City Japan

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