Saturday, April 13, 2013

Photoessay #2847 - The pass is closed!

Naomi came over on Friday from Ellensburg to check out a possible YMCA summer job (which was offered to her).  She planned to go back today during the day.

The weather forecast looked pretty bad.  Supposed to storm, high winds.

I know it's April 13, spring, right?

Snoqualmie Pass on I90 looked worse and worse as the day went on.  Now it's closed!  "due to vehicle spinouts blocking the roadway and adverse weather conditions."

See photo above.

Naomi herself did the spinout thing some weeks ago and she would be first to tell you that it was no fun.  At all.  She wasn't blocking traffic but she was facing oncoming traffic on the side of the road on a bridge.  At night.  With a big falloff.  Kudos to the State Trooper who rescued her.

So no going over the pass tonight!

We went estate sale-ing today.  I keep buying $10 quilts with the idea of replacing the one I have.  It's pretty but disintegrating.  Bought this one from the Rainbow Girls rummage sale.

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