Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Photoessay #1490 - Wisdom Teeth

If you are one of my kids and have NOT had your wisdom teeth removed in the last 36 hours, I would like to know why not. Time is moving along, what are you waiting for?

Ilana had all four of her wisdom teeth removed yesterday morning. This was scheduled. It was the full meal deal so she was very woozy on the way home and needed help getting into the house. We had some green pallor and some barfing but she seems to be heading in the right direction.

Danny called on Sunday with a dental crisis. He has no dental insurance and hasn't gone to the dentist for a long time. But part of one of his back teeth had fallen off and he didn't know what to do. We brainstormed some solutions and he made an appt to see a local dentist that Dennis has started going to. He asked if I could give him a ride because he didn't know what was going to happen. So, I took him today and turns out it was a wisdom tooth and it was rotting away, so they extracted it. Just with novacaine.

I bought gauze, applesauce and pudding all around.

Susanna had hers out in middle school. I stocked up on all that soft stuff and the rest of my kids plus Jonathan from next door feasted on the pudding, soup, soda, applesauce, and milkshakes. Bring it on! If Susanna was on a soft diet, everybody was on a soft diet. Of course, they had gobbled all that stuff up before Susanna was in a position to eat any of it.

Danny was supposed to have his out in high school but, at that time, he wasn't cooperating on anything and trying to set up a procedure like that was out of the question. Which is why he had this crisis at 29.

There's still time for Naomi to have her wisdom teeth out today....

Picture of wisdom tooth lifted from http://mydentistinlasvegas.com. Used without permission.

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