Sunday, March 27, 2011

Photoessay #1244 - Go Blue redux

So we're home. All of the six flights took off and landed in the right place. All ok except that the dog didn't quite get the idea that if he was left so he could go outside, that he could come back in. Instead he sang the blues and I heard from the neighbors.

Sixteen degrees when we left Ann Arbor this morning. Ilana's boyfriend Matt was also visiting during spring break; phe staged a surprise visit. We knew about it. Everybody in Seattle and Ann Arbor knew about it. Except Ilana. Our trip to Ann Arbor was late in his visit and he was able to get on the same flight with us this morning. Yesterday, after we saw this very odd movie "You Are Here" (sponsored by the School of Information) as part of the Ann Arbor Film Festival, had some felafel at Jerusalem Gardens, I said I wished to buy an overpriced "University of Michigan" sweatshirt. So we went to this shop and found one at quite a reasonable price.

A picture of Matt and Ilana at the U Michigan apparel shop.

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