Friday, March 25, 2011

Photoessay #1244 - Go Blue

Dennis and I took a tour of the University of Michigan campus. It was really geared to high school juniors, lots about admissions, etc. But a good walking tour. Afterward we met up with Ilana and her boyfriend Matt surprised her last week by coming for a surprise spring break visit. Everybody knew about it...except Ilana. Ilana took us to the Law Library where she used to work and to the Kresge Business Library where she works now.

We met the Kresge staff who all greeted us warmly. We went to a very old fashioned history library with beautiful appointments. Had lunch at a deli and then to the new Information School building in North Quad. New building that looks like an old building. No soaring spaces, kind of chopped up into small rooms. Nice though and solid; we hung out for awhile in the Information School lounge.

Picture of Ilana with the new Ross Business School building in the background. That building did have soaring inviting open space; a modern more designed artistic presentation. The Kresge is just beyond.

Cold the 20s and 30s. I had on many layers, we did a lot of walking. I had trouble with the "Now it's freezing cold, now it's warm interior, now it's freezing cold" transitions.

Also Dennis pointed out that we are no longer in the genial South with their small courtesies.

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