Monday, March 14, 2011

Photoessay #1234 - Fukushima revisited

Fukushima, as we all have heard, is city in northern Japan. A number of nuclear power plants are located on the coast to the east of the city. Today, we all sit in terror as the Japanese struggle with their reactors to avoid a horrible accident involving a meltdown of the fuel and a release of a large amount of radiation.

Let's hope and pray that we will look back on this post and know that the catastrophe was averted and the Japanese people and the rest of us will remain safe. I do not want to revisit this and know that the worst was yet to come.

It sounds bad, real bad. What facility can withstand a 9.0 earthquake and resulting tsunami. Backup after backup have failed and the utilities are trying to keep the reactors under control with seawater. From what I read, an act of desperation. And things still do not look good.

If it goes, it's likely to be a disaster of huge dimensions.

I worry and the people around me worry. It's gotten to the point that I cannot watch about it any more. They had some new tsunami footage today but I cannot look at it. Especially when you can hear the reactions of the people watching. Doesn't help anything to have people in the world so upset. Nuclear power plants were always a risk. Any power generation is really. Nuclear, the most. Despite my late father's dedication.

I'm featuring a picture I used from last June. The railway from Tokyo to Yamagata runs through the city of Fukushima. I took the shot because my friend Curtis shares the same name though he tells me that his ancestors came from the southern part of Japan. The train split at that point with some cars going to Sendai on the coast and some to Yamagata in the mountains.

I am also concerned about Yamagata, as they may having shortages of fuel and food. Also housing refuges from Sendai. Maybe I will check in with Natsuko again.

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