Monday, January 31, 2011

Photoessay #1193 - Proposed tourist loop

I'm planning this trip for March. It still does not quite hang together but it's getting there. As usual, it's a visiting tour. We're reached the stage where we will stay at motels. We can do it so we will.

You mean this is not a standard tourist loop? Not everybody books the Knowville TN / Hampton VA / Ann Arbor MI tour? What? Why not?

We want to see Dennis' sister Victoria who lives in Deer Lodge TN. She would rather meet us in Knoxville for lunch or similar. We haven't seen her since 2006. We want to go to Hampton VA to visit our friends Matt and Sue. The last time we say them? Yikes, I don't know but it's been a long long time. Friends from high school and Matt was the best man at our wedding in 1976. And we want to visit Ilana and take in the School of Information scene at the University of Michigan. We talk just about daily and I last saw her at xmas time. I wasn't really planning on going to Ann Arbor but Ilana wants to show us the SI scene so, I've heard so much about it, why not?

Just talked to the Asays in Virginia and they're on board. They say that they have historical sites all around them.

I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

hrmustang said...

wow this is seriously crazy! we took an ALMOST identical trip a few years ago. the only difference was that we stopped it in missouri and then went up through michigan and went back. but literally, almost identical. and it was sooo much fun!! so enjoy it :)