Monday, December 13, 2010

Photoessay #1144 - Place of Refuge

The Place of Refuge on the kona side of the Big Island is a spiritual ancient site used by the local people for a long time. The history has many brutal twists and turns including a lot of human sacrifice and general slaughter. Many rules to follow and if you strayed even a little, the penalty often could be death.

But, if you reached this place before your enemies or authorities captured you, you were granted refuge, your life was spared and you often were absolved of your offenses. Several heiaus and other holy places here.

Touted to being particularly peaceful and relaxing. I felt it the second we entered. A calm spiritual relaxing feeling enveloped me when we walked in. Maybe the coconut palms or just the general spirit.

I'm using my brother's new camera he bought hours earlier after both of our cameras came to a bad end at some tidepools.

I felt safe here, like vibrations or whispering. We saw a small sand beach. A sea turtle lay on the beach basking in the son. Something drew to the clear azure water. I strongly felt that I wanted to wash my feet in the water. Felt it very strongly. So I did, careful not to disturb the turtle.

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