Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Photoessay #1138 - The end of the Lumix

Alas, the end of my camera. I regret to inform my public that my trusty Lumix camera lost its life today. At some tidepools at the Wawaloli Beach Park. Actually my brother managed to destroy both his camera and mine. We were having a great time at these tidepools. "I could stay here for a long time" he said. We took pictures of the clear tidepools that looked just like aquariums of tropical fish and using the burst feature to shoot the surf coming in and hitting the rocks. We were fooling around with the exposures.

A few moments earlier, on a botched handoff between Charlie and Pam, Charlie's camera fell and bounced into a tidepool. My brother swiftly scooped it up. But alas, the damage was done. Salt water, you know.

So he was using my camera. However never trust the Pacific. A wave coming in, Charlie shooting pictures of the wave. But maybe a little bigger than expected? Kinda crashed over him and the camera. He gets the shots, the waves keeps coming.

Check the picture, the last throes as the death wave comes in. Charlie got in one more shot before the salt water splashed all over it. Then he turned with the water swirling and fell hitting the camera on the rock.

It worked no more. So sad. Charlie was ok, but the camera, not so good.

We're trying some prayers and magical thinking overnight. We still hope for a miracle cure.

Meanwhile, we made some trips to the Kailua-Kona Costco. We purchased updated versions of the Lumix camera in two separate visits. But the smaller version without the viewfinder. I've been thinking that maybe I might sacrifice the viewfinder to have a smaller more portable camera. I liked the stronger grip on the larger camera but I used Charlie's camera throughout the afternoon and it seemed fine. I'm going to go with it.

In the afternoon, we visited the Place of Refuge, a historical site. Reported to be calming with its coconut palms. I felt peace and tranquility from the moment I arrived.

I will work in some pictures and story. But tonight I am in mourning for my trusty machine.

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