Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Photoessay #1117 - My GAB class

Don't be fooled, we staged this shot!

Last summer, I took a Guided Autobiography class as part of Shoreline Community College Continuing Education. Fun! I really enjoyed it! Mostly introducing some techniques and methods for memoir writing. Plus every week we would write a short piece and share it with the class. This class was developed as a package for an institute for older adults and UCLA or USC. The instructor has broadened it partially from things she learned in the one year Memoir class at UW which I am enrolled in now.

We took this picture with malice aforethought. Joanne wanted a picture of a class reading their pieces. So one day, she asked one of the college staff to come in and we staged this shot. The shot would show Joanne as the teacher, real class members with one (that's ME) pretending to read a piece to the whole class. Really it's authentic, because all the elements are real.

So the clase members )Sarah, me, Karen, April, Sally) gathered around the table and we did a bit of play acting. Fun! Designed for older adults this class encourages people to write about their long rich experiences. And we all have them!

I had forgotten about this picture but April reminded me of it and said it was in another part of the teacher's website Second Half Solutions.

Tonight, I do have my regular Memoir class. My Snack time. A big deal, the class includes a central snack each week. We class members (again all women) we've all brought snack a time or two (hundred). But I pondered. As I wrote yesterday, citrus rice with cranberry sauce would be such a hit. But I worry about carrying, I'm in Central Parking which involves going several flights of stairs and a sizable hike across the campus.

So I've simplified things and already made the chocolate chip cookies. Take things in plastic containers and a plastic bowl for the grapes. Much easier to handle.

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