Saturday, November 13, 2010

Photoessay #1114 - Reilly and Maloney

On Thursday my friend Fredda offered tickets for a Reilly and Maloney on Friday evening. First taker gets them. Hey, I was the only taker! At first, Dennis resisted going all the way to West Seattle on a Friday evening. But then he reconsidered, what were we doing that evening anyway? Nothing. So why not!

The venue, Kenyon Hall, unfamiliar. On 35th SW in West Seattle, never heard of it. And we're still not sure what it's about. Little wood frame building built in 1916, it's home to a very large Wurlizer organ. But it's only been there 10 years, what about before? Kind of looked like original everything, maybe they show films there, great acoustics. The concert was part of a series put on by the Seattle Folklore Society, they weren't familiar with this hall either, the Phinney Ridge they usually use is busy. But good acoustics and kind of a kick.

I've been listening to them for years, they've been together (more or less) since 1970. And I've gotten older and they've gotten older too and that's the way that the world goes round. They played a mix of older familiar pieces and quite a few that I had never heard. They write their own songs and also play others. Always such a strong unusual harmony. I found a youtube video from 1988, a while back. They performed this song "He's a fool" last night.

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