Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Photoessay #1068 - My front yard

My front yard has never looked so good. I should have documented the 'before' state, but be assured that there was a whole lot more brushy weedy stuff going on. I commented earlier that so many of my plants are simultaneously overgrown and half-dead. But what really needed to be done was some heavy lifting, pruning, real weeding, not just picking at it for a few minutes (which is what I do). Really taking control of the area. Lots of shoots coming from roots and trees, Really 25 years of neglect. We did't really solve the problem of the lawn (a combination of roots and dandelions IMO) but at least it's mowed real nice.

Who did this work? Susanna, of course. The heavy lifter of the family. She had some time and needed some money. She knows, she worked at that fancy old money golf course for a year and a half. Now she's working on the back yard. Bamboo whacking plus blackberries. Always always blackberries. Overgrown trees with lots of dead branches.

Our cat, Starbaby, Empress of the Known Universe, graces the picture of the front yard. She supervised all activities. Teddy's just in it for the deliriously joyful greets and the occasional scritches, he doesn't pay much attention to the details.

Plus I got a delightful note from Frlash, we are trying to set up a time to talk. I think that she would like scans of all those prints. Wish we had thought to do it BEFORE we got them all framed. But no matter, Dennis loves a challenge like that....

Susanna reports that her best friend AnnMarie is in labor, her husband Uly texted this morning. We are praying foryou AnnMarie!

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