Saturday, September 18, 2010

Photoessay #1058 - The Nebraska game

I almost feel like I could bring my own camera, how I could work it as I continue to work as an usher at the University of Washington football games. It does give pause, why I would work at something that is SO exhausting.

I have survived my second game. I'm still here kicking. They sold out the stadium against Nebraska today. Easy to see why, rumor control had it that 20,000 Nebraska fans traveled to Seattle. At least. At times, it was not clear which was the home team. Thousands and thousands of white fans dressed in cherry red cheering for the Cornhuskers. Pleasant, most are when they are winning BIG TIME. The cheering red groups completely dominated the horseshoe area at the west end and almost all of the top seating areas. My area, the lower part of the upper deck was half and half red and purple.

56-21 and it really wasn't that close.

I had set out thinking I had to be there at 9:30am, but partway there it occurred to me that I was supposed to show up at 9am! Whoops, I made it. When I walked into Hec-Ed (the basketball venue), my captain Mike grabbed me and motioned me into 'his' section. Good because I worked for him last week and really liked him. Happy to be in his group. But he was short of ushers so only one person to a tunnel this week.

Now, in the evening, as I peruse the net for an appropriate picture, I must admit, I'm not real happy to look at that darn stadium again. Fun to be part of the whole big deal but we had to deal with over 72K people. And I've had enough of Husky stadium for today. But art calls.

Because the stadium sold out, I had to deal with several situations today where people had tickets for seats that had somebody else sitting in them. In the middle of the game.

The picture stolen from somebody's blog shows Husky stadium from the USC game last year (which UW won).taken from high in the south high rise. My group's area is the lower part of the south high rise. So, figure about 50 rows down. Today I had Tunnel 52 which is the farthest one over looking down on the endzone at this end. When you go up the stairs, you look right onto the beautiful lake view. Those bleachers today were completely filled with people sporting purple and red. Plus the sun was out (not raining) and the water area was all filled with boats. Beauiful views over Lake Washington and the Cascades beyond.

What are you looking right into? The softball field! I am not kidding when I say that Husky softball stadium is RIGHT next to the football stadium.

The area with the green ground cover is 'the zone' which looks somewhat different now...Big restaurant tents and private assigned eating areas, they do serve alcohol there, that also was brimming with a huge Nebraska group today.

Tunnel 52 was all mine today.....

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