Sunday, August 15, 2010

Photoessay #1027 - Farmer's Market

Time for the annual Lake Forest Park Farmers Market picture. I know it looks like a lot like last year. Took this picture this morning. I resisted buying the half box of peaches like I usually do as we will be going to California next week. Plus truly we are down to two people. Not so fast, I anticipate that Naomi will be flying in here from camp on Wednesday, attacking the mess in her room and packing up to leave for Pullman (Washington State University) on Friday. Or something. She now owns Jefferson (Ilana's 1994 (or similar) Toyota Corolla) so nobody else has to make the trip over. A week or so ago, the reality of car ownership hit when she had to replace two tires.

I think these neighborhood farmers markets are everywhere, certainly many around here. I love them. Late summer so there's corn and tomatoes and squash and peppers. Very hot for here, temp reaching the 90s. I cruised in and out only purchasing corn, yellow squash, peaches and jam. The Blue Cottage jam lady came up and whispered urgently in my ear "We have peach!". I told her that I just bought 4 jars! She always teases me about it as the first year after I bought the peach jam, I would go by their stall and say 'you guys got peach yet?'. Every week.

A lot of people out today but I've done all my errands so I'm staying home now. It's reasonably cool in our daylight basement. We also have several big (overgrown) trees in our yard, back of our house is western exposure, makes a big difference in keeping the house cool during the few hot days.

Here, very few houses have air conditioning. A good thing, I think.

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