Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Photoessay #1016 - Baby Danny with great grandparents

December 1982 - Felton CA

Here's another picture of my grandfather 62 years later (the picture day before yesterday was taken in 1920).

During the holiday season in 1982, shortly after Danny came to us, we visited Dennis' parents in Felton California. My grandparents, Harold and Betty Ginsburgh traveled from Southern California also to visit. I remember it as a fun time with everybody enjoying themselves. Jim and Lanaya did a great job. I don't remember if my grandparents actually stayed there. You can see all of the Christmas decorations around. Lanaya did love to decorate. You can also see the Lincoln letter (which I've written a lot about) on the wall in its terrible frame.

Notice my grandfather's hair, not gray even though he's in his 80s. I've inherited his thin hair (which he insisted came from his mother and his grandmother). I'm 58 and my thin hair still retains it's original color. He's wearing his familiar suit and tie even though it's an informal visit. I remember him saying with great consternation "you better watch that baby because you know... Oh! Oh! Look at that! I told you! I told you! He's putting that toy right into his mouth!!"

Danny was six months old.... um what did we expect?

My grandfather looks relaxed and smiling, unusual as he was a number one fuss budget. 28 years ago? I look younger and thinner. Because I was! Also I am his oldest grandchild and his favorite.

I may have written this before but, after his death, I thought maybe one of my sibs may have thought that THEY were his favorite, not me. I asked them. They both laughed and said "Are you kidding? It was always you!"

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