Sunday, August 1, 2010

Photoessay #1013 - Ann Arbor or bust!

Ilana left early this morning with her boyfriend Matt on their way to Ann Arbor, Michigan where Ilana will enroll in the Masters Program at the University of Michigan Information School. Don't get me started on university's policies on favoring admissions for out of state students to harvest those huge out of state tuitions.

They stuffed my late mom's Buick completely full. I would like to think that my mom might like to have seen this. Amazing, what you can cram into a 2005 Buick LeSabre's trunk. Including a bed frame. The back seat was full nearly to roof. She's got our car top carrier filled to the top. And the bike rack on the back.

One item that she insisted on including was my mother's Napoleon Lamp (pictured) part of that 1964 French Provincial interior decoration job. So, it's in there somewhere. She wrapped the lamp proper in a quilt. She then decided that Matt looked like he was carrying a torah as he carted it around.

At the end, Dennis, desperate to move some of this stuff out of our overcrowded garage suggested that she take her favorite fabric covered worn desk chair. We acquired it when my next door neighbor had an estate sale of his mother's things. About noon, they started to lose interest. They coopted Naomi (maybe six year or seven years old) "Hey Naomi, here's some nickels, EVERYTHING here costs a nickel" Her eyes widened at the possibilities. They kept giving her more and more nickels. And slowly, a large number of the garage sale items started migrating to my house until I caught on what was going on. I believe this desk chair was involved...

Dennis tries to convince them to carry the desk chair wired onto the bike carrier. Can you imagine what it would look like after 2300 miles? Dennis then demonstrates the advantages of mounting it upside down. A mud flap! Plus maybe the rotating wheels could generate electrocity, ya' never know....

Didn't make the cut

I just heard that they made Butte Montana in 10 hours. Already there!

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