Saturday, July 31, 2010

Photoessay #1012 - Tour de Terrace Parade

Last night Melina, Teddy and I marched in the Tour de Terrace, the SeaFair related community parade for the town of Mountlake Terrace. We marched with other dogs and people in the "Off Leash Dog Park" entry. You can see us walking along in the first shot. Melina holds Teddy's leash (which she did most of the time). I think this is her first parade (seeing of marching). Pretty exciting walking down the street with people lining the sidewalks and applauding as our small group passed by. Melina had a great time. She's in the middle behind the new snazzy banner. Teddy obediently marches with the group only occasionally attempting to wrestle with his buddy Tully, the Australian Shepherd. One man carried his new Shiloh Shepherd puppy Tilly, only 8 weeks old. Teddy looks back at me in this shot. I'm actually being interviewed by a reporter from the Enterprise. Maybe we will be featured this week, I'll have to watch out for it.

Second shot, taken hurriedly by Dennis at the end attempts to feature the whole group.

Funny, being interviewed in the middle of the parade.


Tully Wayne Shepherd said...

Yay! I found the pictures of us! And a cute mention of Teddy and me wrestling during the stop. Do you mind if I share them on Facebook? Let me know who to credit, if I can share them.

azure said...

Dear Tully,

Teddy here, sure you can do whatever you want with these pictures. They're for fun...

and Sandy my mom

Tully Wayne Shepherd said...

Thanks, Teddy and Sandy!