Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Photoessay #1108 - Lost at Yale

During our recent visit to Connecticut, we took a tour of Yale University. Just because it's there. One of those things you rarely do except when somebody comes to visit. Hot day. We took the tour and walked through the campus. The tone seemed designed to motivate highly qualified students and their parents to 'Choose Yale' along with the huge associated price tag.

Not that I'm immune. I haven't been involved with private colleges but I have participated in paying out of state tuitions.

We visited the visually impressive Bienicke library. I know I've seen it before. The shell is made up of thin marble walls designed to allow in some light but not enough to damage the rare books inside. The collections themselves are housed in an inner structure, a cube that takes up part of the outer box. From the floor you gaze into the many floors of rare books. So absorbing.

After a bit, I decide I better rejoin the group. Go downstairs, no tour group. They've left while I've been entranced by the books and exhibit. No sign of them. Dang. I don't have the phone or a map, I had been obediently trudging with the rest of my family. Very hot. I decide to go back to the visitor center, stop some other wandering tourists who have a map and I figure out how to get back. When I get there, they tell me the tour ends at the book store. Should have figured that one out. I'm on my way when my cousin spots me.

"Why don't you pick up your phone???!" she demands. In the car, geez. So, it's all good but I've been putting off listening to my cell phone messages likely my cousin becoming increasingly agitated trying to figure out where the heck I am.

Oh well, you don't think of MOM getting lost on the tour!

Shot from inside of the Bienecke library, Yale University

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