Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Photoessay #1085 - Letterboxing

I had a great time today letterboxing with my granddaughter Melina. Teddy came along too. Described the rather unlikely habit to both Melina and her mom Saphooey. Melina was up for it. I had figured out 4 or 5 boxes starting with one right nearby at Grass Lawn Park. So we spent the next three hours rummaging around bushes and stumps in the woods on the eastside. We did good, found 4 out of 4. Often there's several we can't find. Melina really liked it, she wants to make plans to find some more. "I want my own notebook, I'm going to ask my grandpa" she said. I said that they were easy and inexpensive, we could get one next time. I understand that some letterboxes were hidden in Redmond Town Center. Next time she wants to find them.

It's a great activity for a 9 years old. She could read the clues and help with the map. They can also go over and under. They don't mind being lost. And though Melina hasn't been in the 'wilderness' too much, she could deal with the berries and the undergrowth. She liked having Teddy along. Chattered the whole time. She wants to come over and play the piano with me again. She pointed out that I had forgotten the earrings that we had bought last time. She wanted to go to the dog park with Teddy.

I'm so aware that these are golden opportunities to spend with my granddaughter. And I can do it. So I will do it. Seize the day.

Picture of Melina and Teddy after finding the third letterbox in the middle of a bush at the edges of a Kirkland park.

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