Saturday, May 8, 2010

Photoessay #1035 - My pots!

Today, Dennis, Ilana, Naomi and I worked together to plant my annuals into my 25 pots (spread out over lower and upper deck in the backyard and next to the front door). Means a lot to me, it's what I say I want for my birthday. I had a lot of plants but we used them all! Including some in a new pot which will go as a mother's day present tomorrow for Grandma Ann.

The ingredients?
12 good size deep pink (some variegated) geraniums
1 big flat deep blue pansies
1 smaller float yellow/orange pansies
1 small flat plus a few more impatiens
1 big flat pale yellow pansies
1 small flat light blue lobelia

Here's Dennis ready to dig in with lots of pots and flowers.

Beautiful day....

Looks like we have the cars all squared away with the license plates now installed on the Buick. Ilana to meet friend who looked at places to live in Ann Arbor earlier this week on her behalf. We're going to the noodle house for the birthday dinner this evening.

Moving van comes tomorrow morning. There's room in the garage and Susanna's room. Naomi's been cleaning her room since she got home exporting large boxes of books and general junk. Includes the Delia wall.

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