Thursday, May 6, 2010

Photoessay #1033 - Leftover Roses

I have eight leftover roses from the original 36 I purchased. Wish I had taken a picture of them all together! So pretty. Great job Safeway!

When we remember at Parent Group, we buy flowers for the meeting before Mother's Day and we present a flower to each mom. We say that we realize that their 'starchild' is unlikely to gift them with flowers (or anything else) this Mother's Day. But WE know that they're great parents and they deserve a little something special for Mother's Day. So every mom gets a flower. Often some of the dads make the presentation which makes it somehow more special. But, what the heck, Margaret and I did it ourselves this year.

Curtis was the one to remember (count on Curtis). As we went up to do the flowers presentation, it occurred to us...was anybody acting as secretary? Jerri wasn't there and usually she arranges somebody to keep the book. We asked "Is anybody acting as secretary? Curtis will be on our case BIG TIME if it's not done!" So, as is his way, Jon quietly went and found the book and wrote the entry.

I'm often the one to make the noise rather than actually do the work!

As I've mentioned before one positive thing about our Parent Group chapter is that we have strong participation of dads. Usually about 1/3 of our attendees.

Stock market crashing. Most of the money I have coming, the assets were liquidated a week or so ago. Whew!

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