Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Photoessay #1032 - Skype in Japan

Last night, Nobuko used Skype to call me. This machine does not have a camera on it though our notebook computer does. So I can see her but she can't see me. I fooled around and managed to get a snapshot, not quite getting how it worked as we went along.

Turned out that Nobuko has a hard time finding clothes in her size in Japan. I ended up leaving a lot of my clothes there. I had bought many for the trip so wasn't too attached to them. Some I hadn't even worn yet so they were practically new at the end of the trip.

I really like shopping at the Woman's department at J C Penneys. They have good clothes that FIT for a reasonable price. Right when I got back, I went back to Penneys thinking about possibley replacing the very clothes I had left with Nobuko. I bought her a few outfits, slapped them in a box and sent them off to Japan. I must have gotten the rich person's special rate $43!

They arrived within the week and Nobuko called and modeled them for me. Sounds like a good plan!

Very busy day with dog park, going to the licensing office to get the temporary permit to bring the car to emissions, dr appt, go to Safeway to pick up flowers for the Mother's Day promotion we always do at Parent Group, went downtown to support Kelli in court, came home to make dinner, back for 6pm team mtg and fooling with flowers, then regular parent group meeting.

The Buick FINALLY did arrive though not quite in way we expected. Dennis and Ilana had to go out at 10pm to a freeway entrance in Lynnwood to get it. Supposed to be delivered to my house but whatever, it still got here. Definitely a grandma car....

Just talked again with Nobuko and Natsuko.

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