Thursday, April 22, 2010

Photoessay #1019 - Guided through a downpour

Today we planned to power-sightsee through Kyoto. If such a thing was possible. Maybe start with the Imperial Palace and go on from there.

Except I looked out the window and saw rain. Lots of Rain. Hey we're from Seattle, we don't mind the rain. It will keep down the crowds. Except it poured all day. I mean really poured. So we took the subway to the Imperial Palace (remember those stories you've heard about people crammed into the subways in Japan? That would be correct). Took the English Language tour of the outside. Stopped in the 'rest-house' for some udon soup and maybe dry out a little. After that, off to KinkiJu (Golden Pavilion) by taxi. Many MANY high schoolers touring these sites in uniform. We stopped for a Japanese cake and green (and I do mean green) tea because it was inside. (still pouring rain)

When we come out of Kinki-Ju, rain coming down in sheets. Nobuko says, 'we need a taxi! Maybe we can HIRE a taxi' So she talks to the first taxi driver she sees. Now Nobuko talks up just about everybody she sees and ESPECIALLY taxi drivers. So, yes, we can hire him, in fact he is willing to be our guide for the next few hours. They negotiate a price. Now, you have to do it HIS way, he's been a guide for 40 years. You use his umbrellas, no wet jackets in the car. He says that we should go to, um, the place with the sand and rock garden. He has many interesting facts about that particular garden. Lots of inside info.l Then he suggests, don't go to the next big time temple, it will be crowded with tons of kids. He knows of another temple, just as important, and quiet, hardly anybody goes there. Sure.

So he takes us to GoJin temple which (for Emily) was to die for. I will write about it in a separate post. This was the personal temple of the family of Shoguns (warrior rulers). Quiet with an extraordinary garden.

We finish up with the Nijo Castle. Which is huge and bureaucratic. We close up the place and come back to the hotel. We are SO wet and cold. It's 5pm and us old folks have been at it without really stopping since 8:30am. And we are just sopping wet....

I realize I have not yet posted a picture of Nobuko. So I will include her too, as well as our guide.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm drinking green tea to commemorate your trip.