Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Photoessay #480 - Talking to yourself

A lot of work activity seems to consist of talking to yourself. I didn't realize how prevalent this is. I don't mean mumbling and grumbling idiosyncratically. I mean bringing up issues that nobody listens to. Or at least the people in charge. Which I'm not. In charge. In a way I like that because I can go my own way and not have a monstrous impossible workload.

So I'll stay low in the org chart.

A lot of time, I'm talking to myself. Which is ignored. A lot. For months. Forever.

My compatriots have an ironic retort we use among ourselves. One of us will bring up something that looks pretty darn crucial to us. (pause) And then the other will say "Is that a rhetorical question?" And back again we go.

But my husband says that he has the same experience in his work. He realizes that he's talking to himself. About, according to him, important things.

So the correct strategy involves detaching. Even my father said that when I started working for these guys all those years ago. "Is this your company?" he would ask? "Then why are you worrying about it"

So I won't!

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