Friday, June 19, 2009

Photoessay #726 - Three moms

Three moms hang out at the top of the bleachers, chatting and enjoying the sun. U Hawaii Manoa, Feb 2007. Collegiate softball tournament, one of the many hosted by U Hawaii in the spring. Parents of upperclassmen, our daughters all starters, playing left field, second base, third base. Not too scenic with some of Honolulu's tall buildings in the background. The Ducks will go on to win this tournament and Susanna will hit her only home run of that season against the Univ of Georgia.

Maybe I used this picture before; I like it because I always want to feel included. Relaxing and having a good time in the sunshine. I'm wearing that same shirt, right now!

But that's not today's message. I had known one of these moms for quite awhile but I didn't know until near the end of her daughter's playing career, certainly not when this picture was taken, that she was a two time cancer survivor. "That's why I come to everything", she declared, "because you never know" She coached a specialized sport (not softball) and often funded her trips by scheduling workshops nearby.

A year ago, maybe, I hear that the cancer has returned, this time in the spine. She undergoes a difficult dangerous potentially disabling operation. She gets through it, no doubt sustained by her high spirits and optimistic outlook. But I know that such intrusive treatment brings trauma and huge difficulties. Then I don't hear for awhile.

Today I hear that her strong youthful husband died suddenly. Oh Kate, no!

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