Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Photoessay #724 - Naomi's flowers

Naomi received plenty of flowers on her graduation from high school. Big bouquet from me, and bouquets from her siblings. The armloads of flowers thing. Really designed to be wholly ceremonial, not a bit practical.

After going to the supervised all night party and sleeping it off, she proceeded directly to camp. When will she back? Who knows?

Peter, next door, asked eagerly "Well? Where did they go on their all-night party"

I looked at him blankly "I dunno".

Incredulous "Didn't you ask? I want to know!"

I shrugged, it never occurred me to ask. Why? Because, since this is my 4th kid, my 3rd kid who signed up to go and my 2nd kid to actually go ... I have learned that, if you ask them, they mumble something about gokarts. That's all you can get out of them.

Back to the flowers...Naomi decided she didn't want to take them. So I've inherited them. Aren't they pretty?

Meanwhile Teddy has had it. His six month old puppy mind cannot take all this excitement. Naomi moved out, Ilana moved in (he's not sure who she is). Susanna and Alice ran him wild the other afternoon. They're building a deck next door. It's all too much. This morning, he checked out, didn't want to get out of bed, didn't eat until noon, been hiding in his bed all day looking anxiously at me. Maybe he IS a teenager, all 60 pounds of him.

But the hits just keep on happening. We're celebrating Danny's birthday tonight. By popular acclaim, we're going to the chinese dumpling house. They make all the noodles and dumplings right there, little neighborhood place. Everybody likes it, it's also very inexpensive.

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