Friday, June 12, 2009

Photoessay #720 - Ilana graduates

Ilana graduated from the University of Washington this afternoon with a degree in history. She chose to participate in the ceremony for her department rather than the huge ceremony tomorrow at the stadium.

The history department convocation did not require cap and gowns. The faculty sat up front not in the traditional attire. The chair, director of graduate studies and director of undergraduate studies did wear their traditional robes.

Ilana's been active in the history honor society. In fact, she participated in an undergraduate history conference from colleges throughout the state which she loved. The president of the society walked across the stage first; Ilana was second so hardly enough time to get ready. About 100 grads. The chair pointed out that nation-wide only 1% of undergraduates major in history. Ilana did receive honors; her friend Sascha received the outstanding undergraduate award. Neither of these were mentioned.

Many many departmental graduations at the U today, the traffic was snarled. I invited Janine, Marie and Ariel as well as Matt to dinner with us. Ilana picked out a cute little restaurant (Aqua Verde) near the U. Doesn't take reservations. I camp out at the front door waiting for it to open at 4pm. Good thing I did. A line formed by opening time; I needed seating for a party of 10. We got great seats right on the deck and a perfect Seattle summer day overlooking the Ship Canal and a marina filled with beautiful boats. I had yam tacos...good!

Even though I was not much involved with the UW, not nearly as much as with UO, I'll miss the connection. Ilana loved the UW, she didn't see it as big and impersonal, she saw it as rich and full of opportunity.

Congratulations Graduate Ilana1

Picture taken in Kane Hall as she walks across the state.

PS Great to see Marie looking well and walking just fine

PSS Just occurs tome that Ilana is the only one of her friends to graduate from the UW in 4 years. Marie, Ariel, Janine, Erynn will all take longer

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