Saturday, May 30, 2009

Photoessay #707 - Senior Project

Our local high school has long had a Senior Project requirement. The students, as part of the process, present their project in front of a community panel. I love doing these community panels and participate when I can. I highly recommend them to everybody. In recent years, they've scheduled all the panels on one day which means it only works if you don't have something else going on or out of town.

You never know what you will hear about. The kids take this very seriously, very earnest, doing their very best. You mark them about specific components of their presentation, not the project itself. It does mean assembling several hundred people willing to commit several hours to hearing 4 senior panels.

One year, I heard 4 panels all concerning drumming. Sometimes, it's all about mounting sound systems in cars.

This year Dennis and I both went. The first three, my panel heard pleased us quite a bit, very rewarding. These young people, going in more vocational directions. presented painting a bedroom, building a doghouse and making a quilt (pictured). The last presentation was very striking, this young man had formed a non-profit for procuring better toys for use in women's prisons when their kids come to visit. His sister had recently been an inmate which inspired him to make a difference. He had some boundary issues at the end but the project and presentation were of near professional quality.

Always interesting and enouraging to see what young people in our community can accomplish. If you have a chance, do this!

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